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      Welcome to Wild (Rizhao) Garden Machinery Co., Ltd.!

      HOTLINE+86 (0)633 3601019

      Contact us

      Wild (Rizhao) Garden Machinery Co., Ltd.



      No.1 Wild Road - Rizhao Economic Development Area - Rizhao, Shandong, China

      Elephants Trunk

      The Elephants Trunk ergonomic harness puts an end to those achingarm and shoulder muscles.
      We all recognize the advantages of the petrol engine hedgetrimmer: power and autonomy. But there are two disadvantages: weight andvibrations. After half an hour’s use one’s arms and shoulders are reallyfeeling the strain.
      The Elephant’s Trunk changes all that. It is the whole of yourtorso which supports the hedge trimmer; and by adjusting the tension of thespring in the reel the apparent weight of the hedge trimmer is reduced to nomore than 1.5kg. No pain, all gain.
      The Elephant’s trunk can be used on all hedge trimmer and becausethe cable can wind in and out you can use it at all heights.
      With your Elephant’s Trunk you will be able to trim hedges all daylong and, furthermore, because you can work with less effort you will workfaster and in great safety.

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